- Gretchen means pearl, which explains my not so slight obsession with them!
- Google Flights is probably my most frequented website. What can I say, I'm always searching for my next adventure!
- My very first jobs were working retail at Ralph Lauren and J. Crew! How I ended up going into health care is something I still haven't totally figured out!
- Growing up I was a multi year state & regional champion, and placed top 10 nationally in the sport of gymnastics.
- I have been to twelve countries!
- I have run 5 half marathons & a full marathon is on my bucket list!
- Phantom of the Opera is my favorite Broadway musical.
- I have two bachelors degrees - one in biology and one in nursing.
- If I weren't a nurse I would be... something that involves my creative side! An interior designer, a wedding planner, or some career in fashion are just a few ideas!
- I mostly go by Gretch - G, Stretch, GG, little G are among other nicknames - It is rare to hear someone call me by my full name!
- Paris, New York, and Charleston are my happy places.
- I am a sucker for a perfectly designed bathroom.
- I am technically a Scorpio, but I really think I should have been born a Libra. I could be the poster child for Libras!
- In college, I transferred to the University of Connecticut as a junior, stayed there for one semester, only to transfer right back to Springfield College!
- If I could speak any other language it would hands down be French! It is such a beautiful, romantic language, I just love it!
- I am a professional newborn swaddler - I can thank my job as a maternity nurse for that!
- Although I don't currently use it, I am a certified spin instructor.
- I am a born & raised New Englander, and a New Yorker by choice.
- I am 5 foot even!
- I was voted most athletic in high school.
- Summer Wind by Frank Sinatra is one of my favorite songs.
- If I had to choose my signature scent, it would be Chance by Chanel.
- My middle name is Regina - if you are a fan of the movie Mean Girls, then you'll get a kick out of my name being Gretchen Regina ..
- The first time I went to Europe as an adult was for 30 days with 40 strangers, and it was one of the best month's of my life.
- In another life I think I was a flight attendant - I love airports, planes, and everything about air travel.
- The three bracelets I wear on my left wrist have all been gifted to me by my parents - one for my 18th birthday, one for my 21st, and one for my 25th - and I never take them off!
xo. G
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