March 28, 2017
Trusting the Universe
March 24, 2017
Friday Finds No. 16
I hope that all has been well and that you just as excited for the arrival of the weekend as I am! Enjoy and make the most of it!
30 Day Wellness Challenge // Who wants to do a 30 day wellness reset challenge with me!? It might not sound like the most appealing thing in the world, but I promise come day 30 it will feel like a breeze and be totally worthwhile. As I was reading through the guidelines for the challenge, I was surprised by the just how few of them there are. Only eight to be exact, and all very doable changes. Even if this is not a challenge you feel up to doing, let it at least serve as a reminder that it doesn't take all that much to live a life of wellness.
New York City Quotes // Oh New York.. 😍. If you didn't already know this about me, New York City is my favorite city - at least State side (hey Paris)! It has always been ever since I have been a little kid, and it has always been a dream of mine to live there someday. That goal is still very much so real, and I am planning on calling it home in hopefully the next couple years! I came across these quotes about the City and I couldn't help but get the chills reading them. New York has such a special place in my heart, and if you have never been, I recommend a trip there ASAP.
You May Want to Marry My Husband // I am giving you a heads, this is a real tear-jerker. Prepare yourself now. There is not much I have to say regarding this beautifully written, heartbreaking piece of work other than the fact that I can only hope that someday I come across a love as true and pure as theirs. Through what I'm sure are tears, let this serve as a reminder that life is unpredictable, uncertain, and unfair. Take each and every day you are given and make the most of it. Tomorrow is not a promise. Don't waste time, be good, and love those in your life with every ounce of your being. Make the most of the time you are given - especially for those who can't.
xo. G
March 15, 2017
Beach Beauty!
I hope all of you New Englanders are surviving back up North! I think I picked the perfect time to scoot down south for a week - no blizards or sub-freezing temps for this girl. Thank God. A little dose of vitamin D, salt water, and sunshine are exactly what I needed, and I'm hoping I bring some of the warm weather back with me when I return home. Fingers crossed!
In the meantime however, I plan on soaking up as much sunshine as I can in the little time I have left down here! If you need me, I'll be at the beach, which is something I do quite well. My perfect beach day is one that involves a full day lounging in the sun, a good book, and great company. You just can't go wrong with any of those!
Of course, a full day in the sun, sand, and sea definitely switches up the beauty game a bit. There is no need for a full beauty routine, which honestly is pretty great. On the beach less is definitely more, and there is honestly nothing better than a break from a full face of makeup and styled hair!
Having spent the past week on the beach, I wanted to share some of my go-to beauty products for seaside vacations. These are all products I use and love, and come summer they are definitely some of my go-tos. Sunscreen is obviously a must have and I'm loving this Supergoop everyday sunscreen. It's lightweight and non-greasy which are two essentials in my book for face sunscreen. For that oh so desirable beachy glow, I always can rely on St. Tropez tan lotion and this Clinique bronzer. Both create a natural bronze glow. As far as hair goes, DryBar's mai tai spritzer give you beachy waves that are just about as good as the real thing, but smells amazing. To shop all of my favorite beach products check out all the links below! Enjoy!
xo. G
March 13, 2017
I Spy Pink & Blue Swimwear!
Happy Monday and hello from Florida! Leading up to this trip, I did a fair amount of shopping in preparation for a week in warmer weather. Honestly there was nothing better than shopping for bathing suits and sundresses in the middle of March. It felt like an escape from winter even if just for a few minutes!
I think I mentioned this before but there are so many good spring and summer pieces out right now. The world of retail is always a few steps ahead of us and for good reason. Even if I hadn't been going on vacation, I would have still been ready to start shopping for spring. I am officially over wearing flannels and sweaters.. give me all the flowy blouses, sundresses, and sandals.
I know bathing suit season is still a few months away for those of us in New England, but I couldn't help but share some of my favorites that I came across. I promise my intention wasn't to shop for only pink or blue swimwear, but those are the ones that really seemed to catch my eye! I ended up picking up this Scalloped Bandeau Bikini Top from J.Crew and I absolutely love it. The color is not something I typically go for but was so beautiful I couldn't resist. I am so excited to be able to wear it this week and then it will be perfect once summer rolls around.
Check out the rest of my favorites below! I hope you're shopping for somewhere warm but if not it's still a good time to stock up for the summer before pieces sell out. Enjoy and stay warm you New Englanders!
Shop Here...
xo. G
March 11, 2017
Florida Packing List!
T minus one day until sunny skies and much warmer weather and I cannot wait! New England decided it wasn't over winter yet and brought back the bitter temps this weekend (ugh). On the plus side, what better time to be saying sayonara to the cold Northeast and hello to beautiful Florida for a week!
As excited as I am for the change of weather, I am equally as excited for the wardrobe change that comes with. Although it will be brief, I can't wait to ditch my flannels and sweaters for a much more warm weather appropriate wardrobe. Even if just for a week, I am thrilled to be able to throw on sundresses, bathing suits, and all the off-the-shoulder tops!
I wanted to share what I'm packing for a week in Florida in case you have any fun spring break plans coming up! Even if you don't, the contents of my suitcase can serve as a bit of inspiration and a dose of what is to come - hopefully sooner than later! Some of my favorite pieces I picked up this season are this adorable off-the-shoulder top, these striped pajamas, and this perfect beach cover-up. Of course no beach getaway is complete without the classics - white Jack Rogers, a straw floppy hat, and white skinny jeans.
Of course there is much more than that in my suitcase! Light packing has never been my strong suit, but hey, I like to always be prepared! To shop all that is coming with me to Florida, check out all the links below. I hope this serves as some sunny inspiration for a warm destination. Enjoy!
Of course there is much more than that in my suitcase! Light packing has never been my strong suit, but hey, I like to always be prepared! To shop all that is coming with me to Florida, check out all the links below. I hope this serves as some sunny inspiration for a warm destination. Enjoy!
xo. G
March 09, 2017
Beach Cover-Ups!
How stinkin' cute is this beach cover-up!? I don't think any article of clothing could be more perfect for trips to and from the beach, and for when a little extra coverage is necessary. I mean the colors, the stripes, the tassels... all the heart eyes. The second I saw it, I knew it would be perfect for an upcoming week of lounging, beach days, and warm weather.
I know it's only March, which might seem like a little too early to be thinking about beach cover-ups and swimwear, but the summer months with be here before we know it. And let's be honest.. is it really ever too early to be thinking about swimwear? I don't think so! Shopping a little bit ahead of the summer season always gets me excited, plus it's a good way to stock up on your favorite items before they sell out!
Taking a trip somewhere warm has also been a great excuse to stock up on some of the new spring and summer arrivals! Throughout my online perusing over the past few weeks, I have come across so many great pieces, but I think I've been most impressed by the number of really cute beach cover-ups (who knew!?). I've never put much thought into beach cover-ups - usually just throwing on a casual sundress, or jean shorts and an oversized white button-down - and don't get me wrong, they are great options as well. However, there is something kind of grown-up and put together about actually having a designated beach cover-up!
As I said, I came across so many good ones already and it's only March. I'm sure there will be many more to come in the upcoming months. I ended up going with this vintage linen tunic from J.Crew just because I couldn't resist the colors and fun details, but there were so many I loved. I had such a hard time decided between them all! I wanted to share some of my favorites, so I linked them all below. Check them out for yourself and let me know which one's you love! I hope this gives you some major inspo to go get somewhere warm! Enjoy!
xo. G
March 08, 2017
Beach Bag Essentials

From my own personal experience of many summers days spent on the beach, there are some beach bag items that are absolute necessities. A towel is obviously a must have, but a cute one makes it that much better! How cute is this striped Turkish towel!? Perfect for lounging on the beach in style and light enough to easily be toted around in just about any beach bag.
Of course when you're lounging in the sun all day, a hat is essential to protect your face or to just serve as a little break from the sun when needed! A good old baseball cap definitely does the trick, but a floppy straw hat is such a classic that you just can't go wrong with. Speaking of protection from the sun, a good sunscreen is key. It's a girls best friend, especially if you are fair skinned like me! Nothing will ruin a vacation quite like a killer sunburn. I just picked up Supergoop! everyday sunscreen and I'm excited to give it a try next week. I'll keep you posted on how I like it!
Grab your favorite pair of sunnies and a good book and you are all set to go! Of course you need a great beach bag to tote around all of these beach essentials, and with so many good ones out there, it can be hard to choose! As you can see in the above pictures, a straw market tote makes the perfect beach bag. I got mine at an outdoor market in the French Riviera (I'm in love), but there are so many similar ones out there, that don't require a trip to France! Another favorite beach bag of mine is my L.L.Bean boat & tote. I have it in the large size, which I assure you fits all of your beach going needs and also doubles as the perfect weekender bag. Definitely a bag I recommend adding to your collection!
With the perfect beach bag to carry around all your beach essentials, all you need is a sunny beach somewhere warm! I hope that you find your way there sometime in the not so far future, and with you you bring all those perfect beach necessities. Enjoy and don't forget to soak up all the sun!
xo. G
March 07, 2017
Luggage On My Eye
With the bit of traveling I've done in the past six months, I feel like I definitely have first hand experience on the importance of good luggage while traveling. I quickly learned within the first few days of my month in Europe that I should have invested in good luggage.. (side note: my pull handle got stuck upon landing in London, resulting in me dragging my fifty pound suitcase all around Heathrow..) Also, if there is one thing I can recommend, and only one thing... get a suitcase with FOUR wheels. I promise you, it is a major game changer!
I feel that with anything in life, it is important to spend the extra money to get a good quality product, especially when it is something you will use often. Spending a little bit more and making an investment is absolutely worth it in the long run, and will probably end up saving you not only money but also a headache or two!
With my upcoming travels, I've been looking into and thinking a lot about luggage and travel bags, and wanted to share what I've come across. As far as luggage goes, you can't go wrong with a hardshell case - definitely durable and can withstand taking a bit of a beating. I loved this Tumi suitcase. It's hardshell case will defintiely stand the test of time and I'm kind of loving the hunter green. For a more classic look, you can't go wrong with this Mark & Graham suitcase, and the monogram option makes it a total win in my book!
If your travels don't require a full sized suitcase or you're just a light packer, a weekender bag might be the perfect option! Still great for travel by air (can be used as a carry-on!) and the best option for a long-weekend getaway. I have had my eye on this monogrammed satchel forever now. It was a little too late to get it for this upcoming getaway, but you bet it will be coming with me on my next trip! Another classic is this Mark & Graham leather buckle bag, and Longchamp makes an expandable travel bag, which is ideal for any and all of your trips!
I hope this has helped you find the perfect luggage for any upcoming trips you may have, and if not, I hope to have has sparked the desire to get out there and explore - even if just for a weekend getaway! Enjoy!
xo. G
March 06, 2017
What's In My Beauty Bag?
I'm not sure about you guys, but all my makeup tends to run out at exactly the same time, which subsequently results in purchasing it all at the same time - aka one big trip to Sephora. As I think about it now, I guess this makes things more convenient for me as I am not going back and forth to Sephora all the time, which could be dangerous, however it definitely ends up being quite the purchase. You don't realize how quick beauty products add up!
I recently made a couple trips to Sephora to stock up on my everyday beauty products, and thought it might be fun to share what I keep in my beauty bag. My makeup bag is full of my go-to, tried and true products that make up my daily beauty routine. For the most part, the contents of my makeup bag have remained pretty consistent over the years, especially the basics. Of course, I am all about trying new products, but there is nothing wrong with finding what works for you and sticking with it!
For my face, I have been a long time bareMinerals fan. If you've been reading Faith & Fancy for a bit now, you probably already know this! I shared my love for bareMinerals complexion rescue and matte powder foundation in this post, and recently my new obsession with their Stroke of Light eye brightener. All three products are must haves in my opinion, and in all my years of using bareMineral products, I have yet to be disappointed.
As far as adding a little touch of color to my face, Clinque is my go-to. I am in love with their bronzer. I have naturally fair skin, so it is extra important to have the perfect bronzer that doesn't leave me feeling orange or too brown, and Clinique's 'True Bronze' pressed powder bronzer is the one. I recently ran out and contemplated trying a new one, but I just couldn't do it! It's too good. As far as blush goes, I use Clinque's 'Blushing Blush' powder blush in the precious peonie shade. It adds the perfect pop of color, while still looking natural.
I keep my eye makeup game pretty simple - mascara and eyeliner at most. In all honestly, I used to wear both mascara and eyeliner daily, but for the most part I just wear mascara these days. I still reach for eyeliner for a night out on the town, or when I want to look a little more made up, but for the most part, a few swipes of mascara is the extent of my eye makeup. I just did a round up of my favorite go to mascaras and Clinique is the brand I have always used for eyeliner. Their kohl shaper eyeliner never disappoints!
My brows were never something I used to touch when it came to makeup, but let me tell you, giving them just a little love makes a world of difference! I use Clinique's brow shaper, and it works wonders! Filling in your brows even just a little, makes them look bold and dramatic in the best possible way.
So there you have it! My go-to makeup basics that you can be quite certain are always stocked in my makeup bag. I would recommend any and all of the above products, and if you're in the market for some new makeup definitely try these! I've linked them all below (and a few cute makeup bags!) so you can easily shop and give them a try. Enjoy!
xo. G
March 03, 2017
Hello March!
However, as much as I don't love this month, I actually am not hating it this year. The weather is still seriously blah, but I have some exciting things in store, so I can't totally hate on March. I will be heading down to the Florida for a week for some much needed sunshine and time with friends, which I am so excited about. Nothing better than a getaway to the beach with good friends!
March 02, 2017
Time for Vacation!
It is officially March, and we all know what that means... vacation time! It's no surprise that March is prime time for getaways to warmer destinations, especially for those of us lucky enough to live in the North East. I'm sure I can speak for the good majority of us when I say that by the time March rolls around I am itching to get myself to some sunshine and warmer temps! A little trip down south is exactly what the doctor orders to get us through the final stretch of winter, and I am thrilled that I will be doing just that in less than two weeks!
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