January 19, 2021

January Wishlist

Anyone else feeling rather blah and uninspired in the fasion department lately? I think the monotony of rotating between the same pajamas and lounge wear is getting to me, which says a lot considering how much I love my pajama and lounge collection! I guess that's just bound to happen when there's not much to get dressed up for these days. Understandable but so very uninspiring. 

January 14, 2021

Daydreaming of Travel

It goes without saying that there are so many things we have had to give up or alter because of covid. The list goes on & on and looks different for everyone. I have my own personal list of things I miss, but lately topping that list is travel. I miss exploring new places, planning out the next adventure, being in an airplane, soaking up different languages & cultures, taking in the beauty of the world, and having something to look forward to. I miss just being able to get up and go. When things get better and we embark on our new normal, traveling is something I will not take for granted for a second. 

January 09, 2021

Things that Spark Joy: Week No. 1

The very first 'Things that Spark Joy' post of 2021! The start of the new year is giving me hope for many good things ahead, and these posts will help me to remember them all - big & small. As I mentioned in this post, it is my hopes that by the end of the year I will have 52 'Things that Spark Joy' posts. What a beautiful collection that will be!

January 04, 2021

A To-Do List for 2021

I don't do resolutions, but come the new year I do make a list of things I want to accomplish. A to-do list of sorts! Resolutions seem so lofty and unattainable, but a to-do list keeps me on track and contains things that can actually be crossed off. It's what I've been doing for the past few years now, and it's what works for me!

January 03, 2021

Favorite Things of Twenty Twenty

Last year was the first year I did a 'Favorite Things' of the year post and it was truthfully one of my favorites!! I've decided to make it a year end tradition, as it is such a fun and light way to look back on the year. These posts will without a doubt be blast to read back as the years go on!

Twenty twenty may not have been my favorite year, but it still contained lot of things I loved. Enjoy!

January 01, 2021

A Farewell to 2020

Since the birth of Faith & Fancy, come the end of every year, I craft a post looking back and reflecting on the past twelve months. It has become a year end tradition I cherish quite a lot and one that I look forward to. I love everything these farewells represent - gratitude, reflection, closure - and they are collectively some of my favorite posts. Having this collection of paragraphs, sentences, and words that represent years gone by is so special - each year it is a gift I am giving my future self, and that future self will forever be grateful for them. 

With that being said, as we started approaching the end of twenty twenty, I felt paralyzed & overwhelmed thinking back on all that this year threw at us. I felt like I had a million things to say, but at the same time I felt so depleted that I just didn't know if the words would ever come.