February 19, 2021

All the Books I Read in 2020

At the start of last year, I set a goal to read at least twelve books over the course of twenty-twenty. By the end of last year I had a grand total of 21 books read, so  I think it's safe to say I not only accomplished that goal, but also surpassed it with flying colors!

Reading has always been such a beautiful escape, but in the many hard months of twenty-twenty it served not only as that but as so much more - a source of joy, hope, and much needed distraction. Books & stories are a gift in so many ways, and I am forever grateful for what they provided during one of the craziest years of our lives.

February 14, 2021

A note on being in love with your life

There is so much emphasis placed on love. Romantic love in particular. I'm not saying it's a bad thing by any means - romantic love is a beautiful, wonderful thing. It's a lot of beautiful, wonderful things actually. But you know what romantic love isn't?

It isn't everything.

February 05, 2021

For Lovers

Valentine's Day is right around the corner, and so a gift guide for lovers was in order! Of course a beautiful bouquet of flowers, a fancy assortment of chocolates, or a nice dinner are all classic and fail-proof gifts, but sometimes it's nice to switch it up. And we all know gifts for the men in our lives can often prove tricky, so I've also included some V-Day gift ideas for them too. I hope it helps!