Here we are in the first week of the new year! I hope you all are settling into twenty eighteen with ease and are ready to take on everything a new year has to offer. Of course with a new year comes fresh starts, new beginnings, hope, and can't forget about those new years resolutions. Here's the thing though, are new years resolutions all they're cracked up to be? No. Does anyone actually follow through with those resolutions and succesfully make lifestyle changes because of them? Again, probably not. New Years resolutions are good in theory, but they just aren't all that realistic. Plus, I'm a firm believer that if you want to implent a change in your life or lifestyle, you don't need to wait until Janurary first to do so.
So, I'm proposing doing things a little bit different this year. Instead of making New Years resolutions, how about we make a 2018 To-Do List? Essentially, the goals you want to accomplish (and will accomplish) at some point in the next 365 days. Because what is more satisfying then crossing things off of your to-do list, am I right?
Setting goals is so so important in general, but setting them at the start of the year with a timeframe in mind (one year), makes you much more likely to accomplish them, and writing those goals down or sharing them, holds you accountable for getting them done.
As we headed into the end of twenty seventeen, I thought a lot about what my goals for the New Year were. I've always been a bit of a dreamer, so it wasn't to my surprise that there were quite a few things I looked forward to accomplishing come the New Year. Thinking about all my goals and the things I want to accomplish this year makes me really excited for twenty-eighteen. Accomplishing the goals on my 2018 To-Do List will absolutely make for an amazing year, and I cannot wait!
With that being said, I couldn't go without sharing them all with you! Not only because I hope to spark some inspiration for you to make your own 2018 To-Do List, but also because it will hold me accountable for bringing these goals to life in the new year. I'm starting off twenty eighteen feeling very inspired, and it is my hopes you feel the same. Happy New Year!!
1. Travel More // 2016 was a big year of travel for me (read more about that here!), so 2017 was a little more relaxed on the travel front. I always have travel on my mind, but I'm definitely starting to get the itch to see more of the world. Watch out world I'm coming for you in 2018!
2. Become a Certified Spin Instructor // If you look back to my 2016 goals, you will see that this was also on that list, sigh. Needless to say I didn't make it a priority last year, but I have no doubts that 2018 is the year. There is just something about spin that puts a fire in my belly and I would love to be able to share that with riders who feel the same way! Nothing would make me happier than to be able to inspire people through exercise.
3. Move to Manhattan // This has been something I have wanted to do for the longest time, but despite so much effort, timing and circumstance just didn't make it feasible this past year. I have no doubts that 2018 will be the year this happens, and I cannot wait!
4. Run a Marathon // In 2017 I completed my fifth half marathon (!), so I think the time is right to take the leap of faith and go for 26.2. I've got my sights set on the New York City marathon, because not only is that my favorite city, but also because it happens to fall three days after I turn 25. What better way to kick off 25!?
5. ...
I'm leaving this one open a bit for any other smaller goals that pop up throughout the course of the year. So far, goal five (because I couldn't just have 1-4..) includes successfully completing Whole 30, and continuing to grow Faith & Fancy. We will just have to wait and see what else joins the list!
I'm leaving this one open a bit for any other smaller goals that pop up throughout the course of the year. So far, goal five (because I couldn't just have 1-4..) includes successfully completing Whole 30, and continuing to grow Faith & Fancy. We will just have to wait and see what else joins the list!
What is on your to-do list for 2018!?
xo. G
nice post